7 tips for creating the perfect Christmas newsletter for your business

Posted on 11/11/2015
Christmas is the perfect time to get in touch with your client base. There is no better way to keep everyone updated about your business than to send out a cheerful and informative newsletter. If you have never written one before, don’t panic! Help is at hand with our seven-point guide to writing the perfect Christmas newsletter. 1. Informal tone Keep it cheery. A newsletter is not a financial report. Take care to avoid business cliches and executive-speak. 2. Share your successes Good news is always welcome at Christmas, so take the opportunity to let everyone know what went well this year and your plans for next year. 3. Break it down Avoid offputting walls of text crammed with of information. Divide your newsletter into simple sections each with a clear heading. Skim-readers will be able to quickly locate the passage that interests them. 4. Keep it brief You don't need to tell your customers everything that's happened in the past year - just the most important and interesting news. 5. Charity work Don’t forget to mention any charitable donations or activities that your company is involved in. After all, Christmas is the season of goodwill. 6. Easy on the clip-art A little Christmas imagery goes a long way. Overdoing it will make your newsletter look tacky. 7. Things to look forward to End with a list of upcoming events and promotions. That way your client base knows what to expect from you in the New Year. It’s as simple as that! However, if you have any design questions, our team has years of experience that they can use to help you optimise your newsletter design for print. Contact us on 01603 488001 and we will give you a competitive quote on all your Christmas printing requirements. If you want it ready for Christmas, now is the time to be talking to us. Christmas newsletter

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