Estate Agent Printing: Premium Quality Property Brochures

Posted on 15/11/2022

estate agent printed brochures

At Colour Print, we have many years of experience printing estate agents’ property brochures for use in promoting the benefits of a property to house hunters. After all, when a property is on the market for perhaps half a million pounds or upwards, it is only appropriate that the literature promoting the sale of that property is of a premium quality.

Digital Printing

Property brochures may only need a short print run, but the initial run may need to be repeated (for instance, if a sale falls through and the property goes back on the market). Digital printing is the perfect solution for these precise specifications. A digital copy of the brochure can be kept on file and your agency can print as many as you need, when you need them.

Landscape Format

Landscape orientation is particularly appealing for brochures that include a lot of images. Photographs of properties, rooms and gardens will seem more spacious when viewed in this wider format.

Paper Quality

We print on high quality paper that will keep your high resolution property images sharp on the page. You can literally feel the quality of premium paper - a luxuriousness of touch that sends the correct messages of value to prospective house buyers.

Fast Turnaround

We appreciate the fast pace of the property market can mean that agencies require a swift turnaround of design, proofing and printing. Our experienced team can help you at every step of the way.

landscape brochures for estate agents

Print Finishes

We offer a variety of binding techniques to stitch your brochure pages together. For a truly remarkable brochure such as you might require for your very high end properties, you might wish to consider print finishes such as embossing, foil blocking or Spot UV varnish.

The team at Colour Print can advise on all aspects of designing and printing your brochure. call our office on 01603 488001 or email

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Contact us

From the Colour Print printworks in Norwich, we print and fulfil orders throughout the UK.

Get in touch to chat about your latest print project.
Call us on 01603 488001, email or fill out this contact form and someone from our team will be in touch.